VR BOX things to know

Best VR Box

What is a VR box?

Virtual reality or VR box is a headset device that provides virtual reality. They are used for video games, simulations and for trainers. It is composed of a head-mounted display, stereo sound, head motion tracking, magnetometers, accelerometers, and eye-tracking sensors and various controllers. The visuals on the screen appear by mobile phone or HDMI cable connected to a PC. The first VR box was released in 1993 by Sega. VR headset released in 2016 by Oculus.

Can VR box bad for the eyes?

There are lots of studies suggested, there is no evidence that the use of VR causes damage to our eyes. Even studies proved that early teenagers can have beneficial effects on vision, in some diseases like kid’s myopia or hyperopia.

Can VR box damage your brain?

Virtual reality can turn your mind into believing things that you watch in the VR world. The neurons are responsible for memory creation. So it causes psychological effects in users to disturb their mental growth.

How long should you use VR?

The best duration for the VR virtual reality should be 15 minutes to make the user your fan. But if in a festival that may change into 10 minutes. People that use it for the first time don’t want to invest much time in it. So it should be as short as possible while conveying your message and remain interesting.

Which VR box is the best?

There are so many virtual reality boxes in the market of many companies. Here are some of the best VR box:
  • HTC Vive
  • Oculus Rift S
  • Sony PlayStation
  • Samsung Gear VR
  • Windows Mixed Reality
  • Oculus Quest
  • Lenovo Mirage Solo With Daydream

Is VR box compatible with all Phones?

Answer is No, because there are some compatible issues and limitations that resist VR box to plug into any mobile phones. So you need to make sure to check the headset compatibility by using the VR Compatibility Checker app. If the app suggests that your device supports VR, then go for it!


Virtual reality box (VR), are widely used in the tech world. Their popularity is increasing day by day. It creates an amazing virtual reality world. Although it has some health issues, we can use a vr box by living in the limitations. As we know, Excess of everything is bad. But if you have any suggestions regarding VR boxes feel free to share with us.


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